Hello there, I'm Carmine, the creator of this here comic.
I'm sure you don't give a rat's ass about my personality (look for it in my bio, shithead), so I'll jump into why I decided to make a comic in the first place. Unless you don't care about that either, in which case I suggest you go watch Feeders 2 and masturbate, or whatever it is you people do for fun. Anyway, on to why the comic exists: I hate Friends. It's full of whiny little pansies who have nothing better to do than complain about EVERYTHING THEY COME IN CONTACT WITH. I mean EVERYTHING. If you were to walk up to, say Matt Le Blanc (Joey, as played by Sabin) and ask him how his day was, you would proceed to kill yourself with your bare hands after he had been talking for about 4 seconds. That's how much these no-talent losers complain. So I was sitting around, cutting open small woodland creatures to see if they might have been infested with space aliens, when it hit me. If I had learned anything from Jesus, it was to focus my anger and use it to insult things. So I took something I loved (in this case, Final Fantasy III) and some thing I hated (Friends), and threw them in a blender with a dash of hilarity, and pinch of zaniness, and an assload of my own personal brand of humor, and KA-POW! Out came Final Fantasy Friends (or as our dot-com advisors have told us to call it so it looks more cutting-edge, F cubed).
So enjoy your visit! Look around the site! Marvel at Lunchbox's talent with webpage design! Sign the guestbook! Give us money! Or sex! If you're a hot girl! Please! No? Well then screw you, prude bitch. As a final note, if you happen to like this comic and have some creative energy you want to burn, give me your ideas for comics you'd like to see, I'm always open to ideas. Or get an account at Keenspace.com like everyone, lazy-ass.